Q41. To improve cross-cultural verbal communication and avoid misunderstanding, does the course make an effort to reduce or avoid the use of jargon, idioms, ambiguous or cute humor, and acronyms?


Q42. To improve visual communication, is the course sensitive to the use of navigational icons or images? For example, a pointing hand icon to indicate direction would violate a cultural taboo in certain African cultures by representing a dismembered body part (Reeves & Reeves, 1997).


Q43. Is the course offered to a geographically diverse population? If yes, is the course sensitive about students from different time zones (e.g., synchronous communications are scheduled at reasonable times for all time zones represented)?


Q44. Is the course designed to have tolerance for learners who adapt to individualized distributed learning environment more slowly than others?


Q45. Does the course allow students to remain anonymous during online discussions?


Q46. Does the course provide any guidance to learners on how to behave and post messages in online discussions so that their postings do not hurt others’ feelings?


Q47. If a student fails to follow the etiquette of the course, how does the instructor work with students to promote compliance?


Q48. Does the course provide privacy guidelines on online postings?


Q49. Does the course provide policies regarding fraudulent activities in course-related testing, assignments and projects?


Q50. Does the course get students’ permission to post any of the following on the Web?

· Students’ photographs

· Students’ projects

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