Non-Western Ethical Thinking

Non-Western Ethical Thinking

Daugert, 1965 ]. This practical orientation speaks directly to our interest in ethics; nothing could be more practical than the ethical concerns about human social behavior. In a very general way, like Chinese ethics, Indian ethical philosophy has much in common with virtue ethics discussed in Western ethical traditions. For example, “the Bhagavad-Gita mentions the virtues of non-violence, truth, freedom from anger, renunciation, tranquility, aversion to fault-fi nding, compassion to living beings, freedom from greed, gentleness, modesty, steadfastness, forgiveness, purity, freedom from malice; and excessive pride, anger, harshness, and ignorance” [ Sharma and Daugert, 1965 ]. These virtues are similar to those discussed by Western philosophers, and in the same way can be thought of as leading to good or bad character traits.

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