Types of Activity Centers

Types of Activity Centers

Types of Activity Centers
Dedicated Space Play Focus
Dramatic play Pretend play with props (themed materials) that allows children to take on roles and develop play scenarios about familiar themes
Construction Building with blocks and other materials that can be put together and taken apart; woodworking
Language and literacy Reading, listening to tapes and stories, learning about letters and sounds, emergent writing
Art Using a variety of materials to explore line, color, shape, texture, and dimension; exposure to works of art that are pleasing and interesting to children
Music Exposure to many genres of music and opportunities to sing and make music with different kinds of instruments
Science Opportunities to explore physical and natural properties of organisms and the environment
Math Materials, games, and activities that help children develop concepts about number, quantity, measurement, and time
Sensory Materials and activities that engage the senses, such as sand, water, and modeling dough
Fine motor Experiences with objects that develop manual dexterity and eye-hand coordination
Gross motor Room, equipment, and materials that encourage the development of large muscles

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