Consolidated SNT timeline

Consolidated SNT timeline

Currently, the ANA recognizes two minimum data sets, two reference terminologies and eight interface terminologies for facilitating documentation of nursing care and interoperability of nursing data between multiple concepts and nomenclatures within IT systems (ANA, ANA Recognized Terminologies that Support Nursing Practice, 2012). The definitions of each of these types of terminologies are as follows:

 Minimum data sets are “…a minimum, essential set of data elements with standardized definitions and codes collected for a specific purpose, such as describing clinical nursing practice or nursing management contextual data that influence care” (Westra, Delaney, Konicek, & Keenan, Nursing standards to support the electronic health record, 2008).

 Interface terminologies (point-of-care) include the actual terms/concepts used by nurses for describing and documenting the care of patients (individuals, families and communities) (Westra, Delaney, Konicek, & Keenan, Nursing standards to support the electronic health record, 2008).

 Reference Terminologies are designed to “…provide common semantics for diverse implementations” (CIMI, 2013) and ideally, they enable clinicians to use terms appropriate for their discipline-specific practices, then map those terms through a reference terminology to

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