what do you feel makes your activities appropriate for your age group?

what do you feel makes your activities appropriate for your age group?

· Three developmentally appropriate literature selections that could be read to the child, including the title and author.

· Instructor Tip: Checking out your local book store or websites such as Barnes and Noble (Links to an external site.)Scholastic (Links to an external site.), and Amazon (Links to an external site.) will help you choose from a wide variety of children’s books. Use this information as a resource when selecting literature.

· Three open-ended questions that the child could discuss after reading the stories.

· Instructor Tip: Open-ended questions are questions that leave room for interpretation. An example of an open-ended question would be, “What did you think about the two characters in the story who were crying?” This question allows you to engage your student in further discussion. A close-ended question is a question with a definitive answer. An example of a close-ended question would be, “Did you like the story?” This response will not allow you to have further discussion with your student. Be sure to ask questions that require more than a yes or no answer.

· Three activities which reflect reading/writing for the developmental level.

· Instructor Tip: This will depend on the age group you have chosen. Remember that DAP is based on what your age group is capable of. Refer to your text to review developmental milestones. Once you have reviewed the milestones, match your activities with each milestone. This will help you ensure that your three activities are age appropriate.

· Three language activities that could be done with the child.

· Instructor Tip: How can you raise phonological awareness? Can you add songs, use poems, or chant while marching? How can you increase language in your classroom?

· Three manipulatives or additional items that could be added to the bag, with a rationale of why they are important. For example, you may wish to include a puzzle or a stuffed animal that is related to the theme.

· Instructor Tip: This is a chance to create that home school connection. What could be added to your literacy backpack that is meaningful to not only learning, but also enhances the home school connection? Could you add a note to the families explaining the book choices for the week? Could you provide a sticker chart that can be added to each time the child reads a story? What can you add that serves as a tool both at school and at home?

Guided Response: Review several of your peers’ posts. Respond to two peers, offering a reflection of the bag from the perspective of a family member who used it with their child. Describe what the strengths are about their bag for addressing the concept of literacy development. Is there anything you would do differently? Constructively provide that feedback for your peer as well. For example, you might say, “The questions were well written and help extend the content in the story,” or, “The story was engaging, however it was rather difficult and long to read. I might recommend a story that fits the developmental level more appropriately.”  Additionally, suggest one way that the peer can supplement their bag by including an activity for a non-English speaking child and family.

· Instructor Tip: As you engage with your peers, take some time to reflect on their ideas. Was there anything you felt was missing? Could you think of anything to add to their literacy backpack? By providing suggestions and thoughts you are helping your peers grow as learners.

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what do you feel makes your activities appropriate for your age group?
what do you feel makes your activities appropriate for your age group?

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