Describe what the strengths are about their bag for addressing the concept of literacy development.

Describe what the strengths are about their bag for addressing the concept of literacy development. Is there anything you would do differently?

Constructively provide that feedback for your peer as well. For example, you might say, “The questions were well written and help extend the content in the story,” or, “The story was engaging, however it was rather difficult and long to read. I might recommend a story that fits the developmental level more appropriately.”  Additionally, suggest one way that the peer can supplement their bag by including an activity for a non-English speaking child and family.

· Instructor Tip: As you engage with your peers, take some time to reflect on their ideas. Was there anything you felt was missing? Could you think of anything to add to their literacy backpack? By providing suggestions and thoughts you are helping your peers grow as learners.


Final Project: Developmentally Appropriate Activity Planning

This entire course has been devoted to understanding the individual components of curriculum, instruction and assessment, as well as how each is interconnected.  We have discussed how to assess our students, how to create a curriculum that is developmentally appropriate and how to individualize our instruction.  We have even practiced creating individual content lessons.  Now, for the culmination of this course you are asked to plan in a more in-depth manner.



The Developmentally Appropriate Activity Plan is designed to provide you with the opportunity to display the knowledge you have gained these last five weeks. As you plan nine developmentally appropriate activities, utilize what you have learned about DAP, learning environments, and lesson planning. While planning each activity it is important that you keep in mind the materials that you may need. The Preschool Materials Guide (Links to an external site.) provides a list of materials that should be placed in each learning environment. The following video provides some DAP activity examples that can help you when creating your activities.

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