Please read in its entirely… this is very important

Please read in its entirely… this is very important

The assignment is already completed; however, I need someone to read the paper and make sure its setup in APA 7th edition format (if not please format), free of errors, make sure its cited properly, make sure all the instructions below are followed, make sure you have access to the main text book or contact me asap. Please see attachment


Blanchard, P. N., & Thacker, J. W. (2019). Effective training: Systems, strategies, and practices (6th ed.). Chicago Business Press.

The Training Program (Fabrics, Inc.)

Presented at the end of Chapters 4, 5, 8 and 9 of the Blanchard and Thacker (2019) text are examples of what would be done in a real situation regarding a small business that requested training (these sections can be found in the electronic text by going to the “Summary” section for each chapter and scrolling down). Review the Fabrics, Inc. examples at the end of these chapters. These sections are labeled, “The Training Program (Fabrics, Inc.)”. Blanchard and Thacker (2019) have demonstrated the phases of the Training Process Model, from the needs analysis to evaluation. Notice how the phases build on one another.

Chapter 4 presents the needs analysis, the beginning of a step-by-step process for developing a training program, for this small fabrications company. Chapter 5 continues with a description of the Fabrics, Inc. training program identifying the training design. Chapter 8 provides examples of some of the training outputs, starting with the instructor’s manual and elaborates on the development and implementation steps. Finally, Chapter 9 examines the evaluation phase of the Fabrics, Inc. training.

The paper should use APA-formatted headings to identify each of the following required sections:

· Writing an Abstract

· Background of Fabrics, Inc.

· Needs Analysis

· Training Design

· Development and Implementation

· Evaluation of Training

· Conclusion

· References

The paper should be seven to nine pages in length (excluding the title, abstract, and reference page) and respond to the following prompts for each phase of the training process model:

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Please read in its entirely… this is very important
Please read in its entirely… this is very important

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