Why is it so expensive to produce a hybrid plant seed?

Post-Lab Questions

1. How similar are the observed phenotypes in each replicate?


2. How similar are they if you pool your data from each of the five replicates?


3. Is it closer or further from your prediction?


4. Did the results from the monohybrid or dihybrid cross most closely match your predicted ratio of phenotypes?


5. Based on these results; what would you expect if you were looking at a cross of 5, 10, 20 independently sorted genes?


6. Why is it so expensive to produce a hybrid plant seed?


7. In certain bacteria, an oval shape (O) is dominant over round (o) and thick cell walls (T) are dominant over thin (t). Show a cross between a heterozygous oval, thick cell walled bacteria with a round, thin cell walled bacteria. What are the phenotypes of the F1 and F2 offspring?

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