Can a person genotype be determined by their phenotype?

Can a person’s genotype be determined by their phenotype?

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Pre-Lab Questions

1. In a species of mice, brown fur color is dominant to white fur color. When a brown mouse is crossed with a white mouse all of their offspring have brown fur. Why did none of the offspring have white fur?


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2. Can a person’s genotype be determined by their phenotype? Why or why not?




3. Are incomplete dominant and co-dominant patterns of inheritance found in human traits? If yes, give examples of each.




4. Consider the following genotype: Yy Ss Hh. We have now added the gene for height: Tall (H) or Short (h).

a. How many different gamete combinations can be produced?

b. Many traits (phenotypes), like eye color, are controlled by multiple genes. If eye color were controlled by the number of genes indicated below, how many possible genotype combinations would there be in the following scenarios?

5 Eye Color Genes:

10 Eye Color Genes:

20 Eye Color Genes:

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