Monohybrid Crosses

Monohybrid Crosses


1. You have been provided with two alloca ons of di erent colored beads. Pour 50 of the blue

beads and yellow beads into the beaker and mix them around.

The beaker contains beads that are either yellow or blue.

These colors correspond to the following traits for kernel color:

Yellow (Y) vs. Blue (y)

2. Simulate a monohybrid Cross. Randomly (without looking) take 2 beads out of the beaker.

This is the genotype of individual #1, record this informa on. Do not put these

beads back into the beaker.

Repeat this for individual #2. These two genotypes are your parents for the next

genera on. Set up a Punne square and determine the genotypes and pheno-

types for this cross.

Repeat this process 4 mes (5 total).


Blue beads

Yellow beads

100mL Beaker

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