Accuracy vs. Precision

Accuracy vs. Precision

For the following, determine whether the information is accurate, precise, both or neither.


1. During gym class, four students decided to see if they could beat the norm of 45 sit-ups in a minute. The first student did 64 sit-ups, the second did 69, the third did 65, and the fourth did 67.

Precise because all the data is closely together, but not accurate since it is far from the norm of 45 sit ups.


2. The average score for the 5th grade math test is 89.5. The top 5th graders took the test and scored 89, 93, 91 and 87.

Both precise and accurate, because all the scores are closely gathered around the average score.


3. Yesterday the temperature was 89 °F, tomorrow it’s supposed to be 88 °F and the next day it’s supposed to be 90 °F, even though the average for September is only 75 °F degrees!

The data is precise, but not accurate.

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Accuracy vs. Precision
Accuracy vs. Precision

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