Did this series of questions correctly organize each organism?

Did this series of questions correctly organize each organism?

Classification of Organisms

The flow chart questions will lead you to the correct classification of the organisms into their respective kingdoms. Table 2, shown above, has an error in your lab manual–sunflowers do not have motility. Most of you saw the discrepancy and went with the answer you got from the flow chart. For the blanks in the completed table (above), that’s because those answers are variable, and not necessary to identify that organism using the given flow chart. (3 pts)


Post-Lab Questions

1. Did this series of questions correctly organize each organism? Why or why not? (2)

Yes. If the questions in the “tree” were answered correctly, each organism should end up in the correct kingdom.


2. What additional questions would you ask to further categorize the items within the domains and kingdoms (Hint: think about other organisms in the kingdom and what makes them different than the examples used here)? (2 pts)

Your answers will vary, but you should have brainstormed other organisms that belong to each domain or kingdom. For example, fish are also in the animal kingdom – how do fish differ from bears (gills instead of lungs, live in water, etc.)? What makes types of protists different from each other (shape, form of motion, etc.)?




3. What questions would you have asked of the ones that you answered about when classifying the organisms? (2 pts)

Answers will vary.


· Bacteria: Is it a membrane bound organelle?

· Fungi: Is it a yeast or mold?

· Plantae: Does it have a cell wall?

· Animalia: Is it multicellular?

· Protista: Is it a eukaryote, but, not an animal, plant, or fungi?\

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Did this series of questions correctly organize each organism?
Did this series of questions correctly organize each organism?

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