Briefly discuss why auditors must often exercise creativity and innovation

Briefly discuss why auditors must often exercise creativity and innovation

auditing financial statements. Give an example different from the one offered in the text.

MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS All applicable questions are available with Connect.

LO 1-2, 1-4 1-13 An independent audit adds value to the communication of financial information because the audit

a. Confirms the exact accuracy of management’s financial representations. b. Lends credibility to the financial statements. c. Guarantees that financial data are fairly presented. d. Assures the readers of financial statements that any fraudulent activity has been


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26 Part 1 Introduction to Assurance and Financial Statement Auditing

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LO 1-2, 1-4 1-14 Which of the following best describes the reason why an independent auditor is often retained to report on financial statements?

a. Management fraud may exist, and it is more likely to be detected by independent auditors than by internal auditors.

b. Different interests may exist between the entity preparing the statements and the persons using the statements, and thus outside assurance is needed to enhance the credibility of the statements.

c. A misstatement of account balances may exist, and all misstatements are gener- ally corrected as a result of the independent auditor’s work.

d. An entity may have a poorly designed internal control system.

LO 1-3 1-15 Which of the following best describes relationships among auditing, attest, and assurance services?

a. Attest is a type of auditing service. b. Auditing and attest services represent two distinctly different types of services—

there is no overlap. c. Auditing is a type of assurance service. d. Assurance is a type of attest service.

LO 1-3 1-16 Which of the following statements relating to attest and assurance services is not correct?

a. Independence is an important attribute of assurance service providers. b. Assurance services can be performed to improve the quality or context of infor-

mation for decision makers. c. Financial statement auditing is a form of attest service but it is not an assurance

service. d. In performing an attest service, the CPA determines the correspondence of the

subject matter (or an assertion about the subject matter) against criteria that are suitable and available to users.

LO 1-5, 1-7 1-17 For what primary purpose does the auditor obtain an understanding of the entity and its environment?

a. To determine the audit fee. b. To decide which facts about the entity to include in the audit report. c. To plan the audit and determine the nature, timing, and extent of audit procedures

to be performed. d. To limit audit risk to an appropriately high level.

LO 1-5 1-18 Which of the following statements best describes the role of materiality in a financial statement audit?

a. Materiality refers to the “material” from which audit evidence is developed. b. The higher the level at which the auditor assesses materiality, the greater the

amount of evidence the auditor must gather. c. The lower the level at which the auditor assesses materiality, the greater the

amount of evidence the auditor must gather. d. The level of materiality has no bearing on the amount of evidence the auditor

must gather.

LO 1-7 1-19 Which of the following is the most important reason for an auditor to gain an under- standing of an audit client’s system of internal control over financial reporting?

a. Understanding a client’s system of internal control can help the auditor assess risk and identify areas where financial statement misstatements might be more likely.

b. Understanding a client’s system of internal control can help the auditor make valuable recommendations to management at the end of the engagement.

c. Understanding a client’s system of internal control can help the auditor sell con- sulting services to the client.

d. Understanding a client’s system of internal control is not a required part of the audit process.

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Chapter 1 An Introduction to Assurance and Financial Statement Auditing 27

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LO 1-7 1-20 Preliminary engagement activities include a. Understanding the client and the client’s industry. b. Determining audit engagement team requirements. c. Ensuring the independence of the audit team and audit firm. d. All of the above.

LO 1-8 1-21 Which of the following statements best describes what is meant by an unqualified audit opinion?

a. Issuance of an unqualified auditor’s report indicates that in the auditor’s opinion the client’s financial statements are not fairly enough presented in accordance with agreed-upon criteria to qualify for a clean opinion.

b. Issuance of an unqualified auditor’s report indicates that the auditor is not quali- fied to express an opinion that the client’s financial statements are fairly presented in accordance with agreed-upon criteria.

c. Issuance of an unqualified auditor’s report indicates that the auditor is expressing different opinions on each of the basic financial statements regarding whether the client’s financial statements are fairly presented in accordance with agreed- upon criteria.

d. Issuance of a standard unqualified auditor’s report indicates that in the auditor’s opinion the client’s financial statements are fairly presented in accordance with agreed-upon criteria, with no need for the inclusion of qualifying phrases.

LO 1-8 1-22 The auditing standards that are used to guide the conduct of the audit are a. Implicitly referred to in the opening paragraph of the auditor’s standard report. b. Explicitly referred to in the opening paragraph of the auditor’s standard report. c. Implicitly referred to in the scope paragraph of the auditor’s standard report. d. Explicitly referred to in the scope paragraph of the auditor’s standard report. e. Implicitly referred to in the opinion paragraph of the auditor’s standard report. f. Explicitly referred to in the opinion paragraph of the auditor’s standard report.

LO 1-8 1-23 A client has used an inappropriate method of accounting for its pension liability on the balance sheet. The resulting misstatement is material, but the auditor does not consider its effect to be pervasive. The auditor is unable to convince the client to alter its accounting treatment. The rest of the financial statements are fairly stated in the auditor’s opinion. Which kind of audit report should the auditor issue under these circumstances?

a. Standard unqualified opinion. b. Qualified opinion due to departure from GAAP. c. Adverse opinion. d. No opinion at all.

PROBLEMS All applicable problems are available with Connect.

LO 1-2 1-24 Greenbloom Garden Centers is a small, privately held corporation that has two stores in Orlando, Florida. The Greenbloom family owns 100 percent of the com- pany’s stock, and family members manage the operations. Sales at the company’s stores have been growing rapidly, and there appears to be a market for the com- pany’s sales concept—providing bulk garden equipment and supplies at low prices. The controller prepares the company’s financial statements, which are not audited. The company has no debt but is considering expanding to other cities in Florida. Such expansion may require long-term borrowings and is likely to reduce the fam- ily’s day-to-day involvement in all of the company’s operations. The family does not intend to sell stock in the company.

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28 Part 1 Introduction to Assurance and Financial Statement Auditing

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Required: Discuss the factors that may make an audit necessary and potentially valuable for the company. Be sure to consider the concept of information risk.

LO 1-2, 1-4, 1-5 1-25 You were recently hired by the CPA firm of Honson & Hansen. Within two weeks, you were sent to the first-year staff training course. The instructor asks you to pre- pare answers for the following questions:

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