Trait Activation Theory


Trait Activation Theory

Trait activation theory (TAT)

predicts that some situations, events, or interventions “activate” a trait more than others

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Trait activation theory (TAT) predicts that some situations, events, or interventions “activate” a trait more than others.


Trait Activation Theory: Jobs in Which Certain Big Five Traits Are More Relevant (Exhibit 5-3)

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Using Trait Activation Theory, we can foresee which jobs suit certain personalities.

Long Description:

The jobs are divided into two categories based on the score: High and low.

List of jobs scoring high (the traits listed here should predict behavior in these jobs) are as below:

Detail orientation required: Air traffic controller, accountant, and legal secretary.

Social skills required: Clergy, therapist, and concierge.

Competitive work: Coach or scout, financial manager, and sales representative.

Innovation required: Actor, systems analyst, and advertising writer.

Dealing with angry people: Correctional officer, telemarketer, and flight attendant.

Time pressure or deadlines: Broadcast news analyst, editor, and airline pilot.

List of jobs scoring low (the traits listed here should not predict behavior in these jobs) are as below:

Detail orientation required: Forester, masseuse, and model.

Social skills required: Software engineer, pump operator, and broadcast technician.

Competitive work: Postal clerk, historian, and nuclear reactor operator.

Innovation required: Court reporter, archivist, and medical technician.

Dealing with angry people: Composer, biologist, and statistician.

Time pressure or deadlines: Skincare specialist, mathematician, and fitness trainer.


Jobs that score high activate these traits (make them more relevant to predicting behavior)

Detail orientation: Conscientiousness plus.

Social skills required: Extraversion plus and agreeableness plus.

Competitive work: Extraversion plus and agreeableness minus.

Innovation required: Openness plus

Dealing with angry people: Extraversion plus, agreeableness plus, and neuroticism minus.

Time pressure or deadlines: Conscientiousness plus and neuroticism minus.

Note: A plus sign means individuals who score high on this trait should do better in this job. A minus sign means individuals who score low on this trait should do better in this job.

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