Affect, Emotions, and Moods (Exhibit 4-1)

Affect, Emotions, and Moods (Exhibit 4-1)

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Affect is a broad term that encompasses emotions and moods. Affect varies by its valence, or the degree to which the feelings are positive or negative.

Long Description:

The details of the diagram are as below:

Affect: Defined as a broad range of feelings that people experience. Affect can be experienced in the form of emotions or moods. More general (two main dimensions – positive affect and negative affect – that are composed of multiple specific emotions.)

Emotions: Caused by specific event; Very brief in duration (seconds or minutes); Specific and numerous in nature (many specific emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, happiness, disgust, surprise); Usually accompanied by distinct facial expressions.

Moods: Cause is often general and unclear; Last longer than emotions (hours or days); Generally, not indicated by distinct expressions.

Affect is connected to moods and emotions by two separate unidirectional arrow, whereas moods and emotion are interconnected to each other through a bi-directional arrow.

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