Solve nine problems addressing a range of issues related to valuation of stocks, bonds, annuities, and cash flow streams.

Solve nine problems addressing a range of issues related to valuation of stocks, bonds, annuities, and cash flow streams.
The result of a financial manager’s efforts is ultimately reflected in stock price; maximizing shareowner wealth is what finance is all about. This assessment examines the classic financial tradeoff of risk versus reward.
Maximizing shareowner wealth is all about increasing the stock price. Risky investments require higher returns, so when financial managers take greater risks, the logical reaction of shareowners is to demand a higher return. How do they accomplish this? If you were a bondholder, you would require a higher interest payment, but as a shareowner, you get higher returns by lowering the stock price. So it may appear that a business should be averse to risk because it runs counter to the notion of a higher stock price, but in fact, businesses must take risks to get those higher returns. When relatively risky ventures pay off, or when shareowners believe management can pull it off, the stock price can soar.
It is important to examine the main categories of bonds, long-term instruments such as Treasury bonds, corporate bonds, municipal bonds, and foreign bonds. All bonds share certain common features such as face or par value, coupon rate, maturity date, and other provisions. Some bonds are sold at a deep discount and do not provide any coupon interest payments; these are called zero-coupon bonds. Previously we have talked about the fact that the value of any financial asset should be based on the present value of its future cash flows. This holds true for the valuation of bonds as well. There are different numerical tools used in assessing and comparing different bonds such as yield-to-maturity, current yield, and yield-to-call for callable bonds.
Our analysis of bonds would certainly be incomplete if we did not consider the risks involved in purchasing different types of bonds. Interest rate, reinvestment rate, and default risks are all associated with the investment in bonds. One important observation regarding the bond markets is that they rely on several independent bond rating agencies providing continuous monitoring of the most important bond issuers.
Cash Flow
An asset’s value depends on the valuation of the after-tax cash flows this asset is expected to produce.
For this assessment, complete Problems 1–9 to apply the necessary knowledge to assess returns and cash flow streams. You may solve the problems algebraically, or you may use a financial calculator or an Excel spreadsheet. In addition to your solution to each computational problem, you must show the supporting work leading to your solution to receive credit for your answer. Note the following:

  • You may need an HP 10B II business calculator.
  • You may use Word or Excel, but you will find Excel to be most helpful for creating spreadsheets.
  • If you choose to solve the problems algebraically, be sure to show your computations.
  • If you use a financial calculator, show your input values.
  • If you use an Excel spreadsheet, show your input values and formulas.
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