Fahrenheit 451 – A World Close to Home?

Although the dystopia in Fahrenheit 451 is fictional, in many ways it parallels (is very similar to), perhaps to a lesser extent, some societies today. In an academic essay, choose a modern society (either here in the U.S., your native country, or another country) and write an essay in which your compare the similarities between the fictional, future world of Fahrenheit 451 and the current real world of your country of choice. In your comparison, consider the following:
· In what different aspects are these two societies similar? Think about specific areas, such as war, technology, social/people interaction, censorship, communication, family lifestyles, work lifestyles, authority, power, government propaganda, freedom, education, concept of happiness, and others.
· What specific details used in the book can represent current technology, ideas, philosophy, government, etc in your current society?
· What passages (quotes) from the novel ring true (have current meaning in today’s society) or perhaps are still somewhat true today?
· You are writing a comparison essay, not a comparison and contrast essay. Therefore, you should be only analyzing similarities (comparisons), not differences (contrasts).
· This is not a summary of Fahrenheit 451, so don’t focus too much on plot. Focus on the distinct specific areas that are similar to each society. These areas may not be at first obvious to the reader; it is your job to make the connections for him/her.
· The more specific your analysis is, the more powerful your comparison will be.
· For your conclusion, consider why writing such a comparison is important. What does your analysis warn about our own society/future? Why is such a comparison helpful?
· Essay format – Intro with thesis, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusion
· Essay Length: 3-4 pages, MLA format
· Use of at least three passages from Fahrenheit 451 (think of our quote sandwich strategies)
· LAC conference with an ESL instructor.
· Check the attached rubric so you understand how you will be graded.
· Essay must be upload to Turn It In through blackboard
Due Dates:
May 3rd, Tuesday | Thesis due – print out three copies of your thesis |
May 5th, Thursday | Introduction due – print out three copies of your introduction and bring to class |
May 10th, Tuesday | Rough Draft due upload to Turn It In via Blackboard |
May 19th, Thursday | Final Draft due – upload to Turn It In via Blackboard |
Fahrenheit 451 – A World Close to Home? Rubric