Program Outcome 3: Communication

The ‘Communication’ program outcome requires the student to employ interprofessional collaboration and effective communication for the improvement of client outcomes. A learning activity that allowed me to meet this program outcome was an assignment on health IT. According to Vest et al. (2019), health IT is a term used to define the electronic systems used by both healthcare professionals and patients to store, share and evaluate health-related data and information. The assignment introduced me to various technologies that will allow me to work with other healthcare professionals effectively to provide holistic care to patients. For instance, there is the electronic health record (EHR), which allows healthcare practitioners to track and share patients’ health information in real time.
Program Outcome 4: Character
The ‘Character’ program outcome requires the student to demonstrate professional ethics and spiritual values from a Christian worldview when providing nursing care. A learning activity that allowed me to meet this program outcome was an essay on how ethics and morality in nursing align with the Christian worldview.From my research, I learned that any infringement on the rights of humans goes against the will of God, which is based on love for others. This means that as a nurse, I have to align my medical practices with a strong moral and ethical standing. I should always do my best to cater to the needs of my patients without breaking any laws or practicing unethical behaviors that are contrary to the Christian worldview (Turale et al., 2020). Furthermore, by being ethical, I will treat all people equitably without favoring anyone.