Exploring challenging relationships

Participants learn the importance of MSC in their relationships and emotions, such as anger in relationships, caregiver fatigue, and forgiveness.
Participants can engage in the Taking Care of the Caregiver meditation, in which they learn to keep their hearts open and help care for and nurture themselves at the same time they are caring for and nurturing others.
Embracing your life Participants end with positive psychology through savoring, gratitude, and self- appreciation practice.
Participants reframe their inner dialogue so that it is more encouraging and supportive through the Identifying What We Really Want exercise.
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from a variety of units including oncology, cardiology, maternity, in- tensive care, and urology partici- pated in 2.5-hour MSC training ses- sions over the course of 8 weeks. The MSC training program included validated modules as well as a half- day in-service retreat. The module topics were: Discovering MSC, Prac- ticing mindfulness, Practicing lov- ing-kindness, Discovering your compassionate voice, Living deeply, Meeting difficult emotions, Explor- ing challenging relationships, and Embracing your life, (see Overview of the MSC curriculum2).
To evaluate the effectiveness of the 8-week MSC training, partici- pants completed pre- and post- quantitative measures of mindful- ness, self-compassion, resilience, burnout, and compassion fatigue. They also participated in focus groups at the end of the 8-week MSC training in which they re- sponded to the question, “