Whose sample had the approximately 570 bp and 320 bp sized DNA fragments?


(question 1 and 4 in conclusion part. )

* It would be nice if you can check my answeres too.


Tube Sample Lane

1 1 kb DNA ladder 1

2 Mother’s DNA 2

3 Child’s DNA 3

4 A.F. #1 DNA 4

5 A.F. #2 DNA 5




Record the distance each ladder band moved from the well in mm along with the size of the DNA fragments in that band in bp units, based on the bp given in step 19 , in your Lab Notes.


Lane 1:


1,000 bp 34 mm

900 bp 36 mm

800 bp 38 mm

700 bp 40 mm

600 bp 43 mm

500 bp 47 mm

400 bp 51 mm

300 bp 56 mm

250 bp 60 mm

200 bp 64 mm

150 bp 69 mm

100 bp 77 mm

50 bp 90 mm



Lane 2:


37 mm 850bp

59 mm 265bp



Lane 3:


37 mm 850bp

44 mm 575bp


Lane 4:


41 mm 670bp

43 mm 600bp


Lane 5:


44 mm 575bp


55 mm 320bp


Experiment: Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of DNA Fragments

Lab Results

  1. List the distances traveled in mm for the bands in the DNA ladder in the table below.
    Remember, smaller fragments travel farther than longer ones, so the top-most band will be the 1,000 bp sized DNA fragments whereas the bottom-most band will be the 50 bp sized DNA fragments. 

    DNA Ladder
    Band Distance (mm)
    50 bp  90 mm
    100 bp  77 mm
    150 bp  69 mm
    200 bp  64 mm
    250 bp  60 mm
    300 bp  56 mm
    400 bp  51 mm
    500 bp  47 mm
    600 bp 43 mm
    700 bp 40 mm
    800 bp 38 mm
    900 bp 36 mm
    1,000 bp 34 mm


  2. Whose sample had the approximately 570 bp and 320 bp sized DNA fragments?
     A.F. #2
  3. What were the sizes of the DNA fragments for alleged father #1?
    41 mm 670bp

    43 mm 600bp

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