Describe how you could incorporate this information in your program or classroom.

Describe how you could incorporate this information in your program or classroom.

Read the Article The Importance of Discussing 50-Cent Words with Preschoolers found above about vocabulary/oral language.  Write an initial reflection (3 paragraphs) that includes the following:

  •  First Paragraph; Brief summary of the article describing what you found that was interesting or new.
  • Second Paragraph: Write about any connections that the article had to your personal (your own experiences learning to read) and/or professional life (what have you observed in your service learning placement) and if there are any topics/issues you want to learn more about.
  • Third Paragraph: Describe how you could incorporate this information in your program or classroom.

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    Describe how you could incorporate this information in your program or classroom.
    Describe how you could incorporate this information in your program or classroom.

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