Code of ethics Professions Professional societies
34 Problems
Charles E. Harris , Jr., Michael S. Pritchard , and Michael J. Rabins , Engineering Ethics, Concepts and Cases, Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont CA, 2000 .
Roland Schinzinger and Mike W. Martin , Introduction to Engineering Ethics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2000 .
Intel Pentium Chip Case
“When the Chips Are Down,” Time, December 26–January 2, 1995, p. 126. “The Fallout from Intel’s Pentium Bug,” Fortune, January 16, 1995, p. 15. “Pentium Woes Continue,” Infoworld, November 18, 1994, vol. 16, no. 48, p. 1. “Flawed Chips Still Shipping,” Infoworld, December 5, 1994, vol. 16, no. 49, p. 1. Numerous other accounts from late 1994 and early 1995 in The Wall Street Journal,
The New York Times, etc.
DIA Runaway Concrete
Lou Kilzer, Robert Kowalski, and Steven Wilmsen, “Concrete Tests Faked at Airport,” Denver Post, November 13, 1994, Section A, p. 1.
Paradyne Computers
J. Steve Davis , “Ethical Problems in Competitive Bidding: The Paradyne Case,” Business and Professional Ethics Journal, vol. 7, 1988 , p. 3.
Robert V. Head , “Paradyne Dispute: A Matter of Using a Proper Tense,” Government Computer News, February 14, 1986 , p. 23.
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