Why is it important for engineering students to study engineering ethics? Several notorious cases that have received a great deal of media attention in the past few years have led engineers to gain an increased sense of their professional responsibili- ties. These cases have led to an awareness of the importance of ethics within the engi- neering profession as engineers realize how their technical work has far-reaching impacts on society. The work of engineers can affect public health and safety and can infl uence business practices and even politics.
One result of this increase in awareness is that nearly every major corporation now has an ethics offi ce that has the responsibility to ensure that employees have
Chapter 1 Introduction 3
the ability to express their concerns about issues such as safety and corporate busi- ness practices in a way that will yield results and won’t result in retaliation against the employees. Ethics offi ces also try to foster an ethical culture that will help to head off ethical problems in a corporation before they start.
The goal of this book and courses in engineering ethics is to sensitize you to important ethical issues before you have to confront them. You will study important cases from the past so that you will know what situations other engineers have faced and will know what to do when similar situations arise in your professional career. Finally, you will learn techniques for analyzing and resolving ethical problems when they arise.
Our goal is frequently summed up using the term “moral autonomy.” Moral autonomy is the ability to think critically and independently about moral issues and to apply this moral thinking to situations that arise in the course of professional engineering practice. The goal of this book, then, is to foster the moral autonomy of future engineers.
The question asked at the beginning of this section can also be asked in a slightly different way. Why should a future engineer bother studying ethics at all? After all, at this point in your life, you’re already either a good person or a bad per- son. Good people already know the right thing to do, and bad people aren’t going to do the right thing no matter how much ethical training they receive. The answer to this question lies in the nature of the ethical problems that are often encoun- tered by an engineer. In most situations, the correct response to an ethical problem is very obvious. For example, it is clear that to knowingly equip the Pinto with wheel lugs made from substandard, weak steel that is susceptible to breaking is unethical and wrong. This action could lead to the loss of a wheel while driving and could cause numerous accidents and put many lives at risk. Of course, such a design deci- sion would also be a commercial disaster for Ford.
However, many times, the ethical problems encountered in engineering prac- tice are very complex and involve confl icting ethical principles. For example, the engineers working on the Pinto were presented with a very clear dilemma. Trade- offs were made so that the Pinto could be successfully marketed at a reasonable price. One of these trade-offs involved the placement of the gas tank, which led to the accident in Indiana. So, for the Ford engineers and managers, the question became the following: Where does an engineering team strike the balance between safety and affordability and, simultaneously, between the ability of the company to sell the car and make a profi t?
These are the types of situations that we will discuss in this book. The goal, then, is not to train you to do the right thing when the ethical choice is obvious and you already know the right thing to do. Rather, the goal is to train you to ana- lyze complex problems and learn to resolve these problems in the most ethical manner.
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