Engineering Ethics & Professional Practice
Homework #6 Spring 2019 Due: 4/9/19 D2L Dropbox
Read Chapter 6 – The Rights and Responsibilities of Engineers from your text by Fledderman. Also review the ASCE 2017 Infrastructure Report Card and read the details of the report grade for one of the specific infrastructure topics graded. The report card is available at: Evaluate the overall conclusions of the report card and the supporting information on your selected infrastructure topic in light of the rights and responsibilities of a civil engineer. Specifically address your thoughts on position ASCE has taken considering the responsibilities of the engineer to avoid conflicts of interest (obvious benefit to the profession to suggest major investment must be made) versus the rights of the engineer to objectively raise issues of infrastructure need and to “whistle-blow” when the public is not responding to an obvious need (the problem is real and is not being addressed). You are to submit your opinion, and the basis for it, electronically in a three to four paragraph “stand alone” document, 12-point font, double spaced, and 1” margins. Your response should be in narrative form with an introduction, main body, and conclusions and demonstrate within that narrative that you have read the assigned material. Your response will be evaluated on primarily on its content and composition quality (organization, grammar, word choice, etc.). Work independently on this assignment. You will turn this assignment through a Dropbox on D2L.
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