Nursing functioning at the Level of their Education

Nursing functioning at the Level of their Education

With the aging population and more people having access to healthcare largely due to the Affordable Health Care Act and a focus on prevention and wellness more and more people are seeking care and nursing must respond to that need. Nursing practice must change to help meet future demands. The IOM report in alignment with the recommendation that the entry level of RN increases to BSN level but also that all nurse must continue their education beyond the BSN and that nurses must be able to function at the level of their education. At this time many state legislatures do not allow for Advanced Practice Nurses and Certified Nurse Midwifes to function at their level of education. Adjusting legislature and the nursing scope of practice in these states will increase the number of primary care providers available to care for this increased population needs (IOM,2010).

To this end several suggestions were made to state governments to make these recommendations a reality. Nursing boards should adjust scope of practice to allow nurses to practice at a level of their education, this would be especially important for Advanced Practice Nurses in allowing them to take an active part in the primary care of the state’s population. The IOM report also suggest that the entry level of education should be of Baccalaureate trained nurse. The report recommends that at least 80% of the American nurse’s workforce should be made up of bachelor’s degree or higher nurses by 2020. (Creating a More Qualified, 2015).

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Nursing functioning at the Level of their Education
Nursing functioning at the Level of their Education

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