HEOA compliance entails the following:
• Faculty must select and submit textbook requirements to the campus bookstore before posting the next semester’s schedule and registration. Each institution establishes the process for this. Under certain circumstances, the institution may post a “to be determined” notice if textbook selection was not practical before the school posts the next semester’s schedule.
• Schools must pay attention to the change in terminology from distance learning to distance education. Education describes the process from the institution’s perspective; it includes the use of one or more technologies to deliver instruction to students who are in a separate location and to support regular and substantive interaction between faculty and students. Learning describes the process from the students’ perspective; it focuses on how the student interacts with the course content, classmates, and instructor in mastering the course content.
• Institutions must have a process in place to verify that the enrolled student is actually the person completing the course. Faculty may assist in determining how this process will work and with the development of a policy to cover this provision.
There are periodic updates to HEOA and the related regulations. These changes can be found at sites such as https://www.naicu.edu/special_initiatives/hea101/publications/page/updates-on-regulations-and-regulatory-process. Most educational institutions keep abreast of these updates and notify faculty during faculty in-service days.