Title of Paper (The American Flag)
Introductory Paragraph: (1) The history of the United States flag came in 1790 when Francis Scott Key watched as a fort was being attacked and noticed the stars and stripes waving in the air. Thesis Statement: The flag worn on our uniform is a symbol of pride; this paper will address the reason why the color Red, White, and Blue (you are introducing the subtopics here) of the United States flag represents every Soldier.
Body (Problem (Defined))/ Discussion to relate the point of view from sources used/the writer takes a position)
The Color Red (This is a level 1 header)
Supporting Idea 1: Where did the color red come from
Supporting Idea 2: What does the color red represent
Supporting Idea 3: Why do I like the color red
Transition Sentence: I will expand on what the color white on the American flag means.
The Color White (This is a level 1 header)
Supporting Idea 1: Why does the color white stand out
Supporting Idea 2: Why the color white is important
Supporting Idea 3: What the color white mean to me
Transition Sentence: I will now talk about the color blue.